Saturday, October 16, 2010

How much does a pack of cigarettes really cost?

How much does a pack of cigarettes really cost? $16.43

On Thursday, Oct. 14, the American Lung Association of Florida will host the first Florida Tobacco Cessation Summit at Lake Nona — a free, one-day event that will examine the benefits of smoking cessation for Floridians.

Participants representing a broad range of industries will learn about the short- and long-term positive outcomes that can result from providing comprehensive cessation coverage.

“Each year I see the devastating health effects of tobacco use throughout Florida,” said Martha Bogdan, president of the American Lung Association of the Southeast. “We have made great strides in reducing tobacco use through smoke-free air laws, increasing the cost of cigarettes and funding tobacco prevention programs. Now it’s time to help those who want to quit smoking succeed by ensuring full access to cessation products and services.”

The event will be held at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute at Lake Nona. Registration for the event begins at 8 a.m. Although there is no charge to attend, space is limited. For more information on the Florida tobacco summit, click here.

A recent report released by the American Lung Association, Smoking Cessation: the Economic Benefits, revealed startling numbers related to the true costs of tobacco use in Florida. Smoking can be linked to productivity losses of $4.4 billion, premature death losses of $7.9 billion and direct medical expenditures of $7.2 billion – totaling $19.6 billion in loss to the state.

When researchers considered productivity losses and the cost of health-care for smokers, the true cost of a pack of cigarettes in Florida is $16.43.

Tobacco cessation programs have consistently proven effective and the benefits of these programs greatly outweigh the cost of implementing them. Smoking cessation is one of the most cost-effective wellness initiatives employers can undertake, the lung association says.

The summit will feature discussions on tobacco’s impact on smokers, employers and Florida, the benefits of providing smoking cessation treatment, and the recent health care reform and what it means for tobacco addiction treatment in Florida.

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