Saturday, December 18, 2010

Flu problems brewing in the UK

Dr Laurence Buckman, chairman of the British Medical Association's GP committee, has written to the Government urging it to step up its publicity campaign telling people at risk that the vaccine is safe and effective.
He said: 'Family doctors are already seeing high rates of influenza and they have been telling us that they are also seeing a lower uptake than usual for seasonal flu immunisation. 'Myths persist about the safety of the vaccine, especially after swine flu. 'The vaccine has been thoroughly tested and we strongly urge patients to make an appointment with their GP and get vaccinated.

'It is only the beginning of winter so we could see many more cases of flu for the next few months - the BMA strongly urges at-risk groups to get immunised, flu can be extremely serious.'
Overall, 17 people, including four pregnant women, with confirmed swine flu have received specialist intensive care treatment - known as extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) - so far this flu season.  ECMO is a life support system for the most severe cases and uses an artificial lung to oxygenate the blood outside the body.
During the pandemic, pregnant women who caught swine flu were found to be more at risk of breathing problems than women who were not pregnant.  Louise Silverton, Deputy General Secretary of the Royal College of Midwives, added: 'Pregnant women should not panic, but we do advise them to have the vaccine and practise good hand hygiene to prevent the spread of germs.

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UK GPs warn major flu crisis brewing

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