Thursday, September 15, 2011

artificial airway implaned

MIT bioengineer to share medical prize

Robert Langer, the prolific MIT bioengineer whose work on tissue engineering and drug delivery has spawned many patents and local companies, will share the $250,000 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, for contributions in biomedical research.
Carpentier successfully implanted an artificial airway to save the lung of a cancer patient.

Langer, who has built blood vessels from scratch and helped create an implantable wafer to deliver chemotherapy in the brain, shares the award with Alain Carpentier, a cardiovascular surgeon at the Hopital Européen Georges Pompidou in Paris. Carpentier successfully implanted an artificial airway to save the lung of a cancer patient.

The prize was created by Warren Alpert, a philanthropist dedicated to research that improves human health. Winners are selected by a scientific advisory board, which is chaired by Jeffrey S. Flier, the dean of Harvard Medical School.

It’s just the latest honor for Langer, who earlier this summer won the Priestley Medal, a top honor in chemistry.

By Carolyn Y. Johnson, Globe Staff

click to read the complete article on this transplant

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