Saturday, October 29, 2011

COPD Awareness Month in November

 COPD Awareness Month in November
We're gearing up for COPD Awareness Month in November with numerous activities and news to share with you! 
First, we discuss our support of DRIVE4COPD's Great American Screen Off on November 4th, as well as our "COPD Week at the ATS" from November 13th-19th, including a webinar we'll be hosting on November 16th--World COPD Day. 
Other stories in this issue: 
  • A template that opposes Medicare spending cuts which members of the COPD community can utilize to write to their local representative.
  • The U.S. COPD Coalition's Congressional Briefing in October that featured DRIVE4COPD Celebrity Ambassador Danica Patrick, who announced their "Go Orange" Resolution, declaring it the official color for COPD awareness. 
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