Sunday, March 18, 2012

Breathe Easy AZ

Breathe Easy AZ Breathe Easy Arizona Now a national model for lung disease programs, the COPD Collaborative Program is funded by a grant from the Arizona Department of Health Services. Program goals include provider education, raising COPD awareness across Arizona, working with decision-makers to influence systemic change, and creating a forum for Arizona’s diverse COPD community. The Arizona COPD Coalition was created to provide not only a forum for the COPD community but to build energy in patient education. Respiratory Rallies began in Phoenix and Tucson in 2008 and evolved into a wide range of patient and provider education events, known as the Healthy Lung Expo, offered throughout the state. Coalition members have become active leaders for these educational events and have become an integral force in raising awareness of COPD through a presence in the program’s media campaign and public speaking. The COPD Collaborative Program and the coalition play an important role in serving those who are impacted by COPD all across the state. To learn more, please contact the program staff. see the official breathe easy az

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