Wednesday, May 23, 2012

some recommendations for people with emphysema

Avoid foods that require a great deal of chewing, such as meats and nuts.
Avoid any and all contact with tobacco. If you have emphysema and smoke, you must quit. Avoid areas where people smoke and do not allow smoking in your home, your car, or anywhere near you.
Eat a diet consisting of 50% raw foods. The other 50% should consist of soups, skinless chicken, fish, and grain cereals.
Consume onions and garlic daily. (Onions are good expectorant and garlic is known for its antibacterial properties.)
Avoid perfume and anything containing fragrance.
Avoid letting furry and feathered animals into your home.
Rest and avoid stress.
Have a light to moderate, regular exercise. Stationary bike, stair climbing, and walking are the forms of physical activities.
Go on cleansing fast periodically, using carrots, celery, spinach, and all green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit juices.
Avoid pollution. Leave the house during housecleaning to avoid allergens such as molds, dust, aerosol products, and etc.
Avoid fried and greasy foods, salt, and all foods that may cause excess mucus to be formed in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, sinuses, and nasal cavity. Foods that lead to the formation of mucus include meat, eggs, all diary products and cheese, processes foods, tobacco, junk foods, and white flour products.
(Dr. Gary S.Sy, M.D. is the Medical Director of Life Extension Medical Center located at The Garden Plaza Hotel (formerly Swiss Inn Hotel) 1370 Gen Luna St., Paco Manila. E-mail Address: lifeextension_drgarysy@yahoo .com)

click for more info on emphysema copd

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