Friday, June 1, 2012

June 5 Lung Cancer Research Call-In Day

American Lung Association Lung Action Network
On Wednesday, June 6, please join with thousands of Americans across the country and participate in the American Lung Association's Lung Cancer Research Call-In Day by calling your elected officials in Washington. This is an opportunity for all of us to speak with one voice about the need for lung cancer research to be a national priority.
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in the United States, killing nearly 160,000 people every year, with one of the highest incidence rates and one of the lowest survival rates. That's why we need your help in calling your Members of Congress.
If we want to see a change in the rates of this dreaded disease, Congress must increase funding for lung cancer research so it can be diagnosed earlier and treated more effectively.

On Wednesday morning, June 6, you will be e-mailed information on how to call your Members of Congress as well as suggested talking points to call your Representative and two Senators in Washington, asking them to support additional funding for lung cancer research at the National Institutes of Health.

To maximize the impact of these calls, please wait to make your calls until Wednesday, June 6. Also, please spread the word to family and friends and let them know that next Wednesday is Lung Cancer Research Call-In Day.
Thank you for joining together with us and fighting for lung cancer research funding.
For additional questions, please contact or
Save the Date
Wednesday, June 6, is
Lung Cancer Research
Call-In Day

Campaign Exipration Date: June 30, 2012 
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Tweet about it: Use the hashtag #LungCancerNIH

Post on your Facebook status: "Join me on Wednesday, June 6: Call Congress and tell them to support funding for lung cancer research"
Thank you for all you do,
Paul Billings, Vice President, National Policy and Advocacy
Paul G. Billings
Vice President, National Policy and Advocacy
American Lung Association
American Lung Association ©2012
1301 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20004
T: 202-785-3355 | F: 202-452-1805 | E:

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